Officially Official

OK, so to be completely truthful, there are some things that aren’t official just yet. Like the date. Tentatively it is set for Nov. 28. And I guess colors are tentatively set for ivory, brown, and tiffany blue. Don’t know why those, specific ones, I just let the girl do the pickin’. And the tentative reception place would be in Austin, not McAllen.
Officially official is now we are engaged. I officially proposed last night and she said yes. Hooray!
Here are some pics from the family reunion I went to, and here are ones from July 4th. Any specific questions/comments/concerns/stories/money handing out directed towards me are welcome.

Happy Birthday!

Just wanted to post a quick Happy Birthday to Jon Gries, the guy who plays “Uncle Rico” on Napolean Dynamite. He’s most famous for trying to throw a football over a mountain. He failed. This was after traveling back in time and playing Broots from The Pretender Series.
And then there’s Venus Williams. She’s black. And she plays tennis. She also thinks she has a sense of fashion. I’ve heard many disagree.
And most importantly, there’s musician Barry Manilow. Whoopdedoo.
See Chris, don’t you gots some good company?
Happy Birthday Chris!

THE Summer Movie Event of the Year

So, if you see any ONE movie this entire summer then go see the newest Disney/Pixar production entitled “Up”. Easily the best movie I’ve seen in theaters this year. Yeah, even better than Star Trek. There, I said it. Plus, if you go see it in 3D you get some cool 3D glasses like the old man’s (Mr. Fredrickson). You can watch the trailer on trailers
To quote a friend: “By the end of the movie, I wasn’t sure if my tears were from laughing or crying” -Melinda Rich (Jr.)
OK, so maybe that wasn’t the exact quote. But it was something like that.

PS: Here’s another trailer for you to check out, for those of you who have seen the trailer to Where the Wild Things Are

Next Summer Blockbuster

Now I know some of you are looking forward to the action packed pack-ness that this summer’s blockbuster list is throwing at you. Some of you might be excited for the new Terminator movie starring Batman, while others are holding out for Transformers 2 starring Stanley Yelnats. Well, just a word of advice to those of you leaning towards either one: don’t see them. Why? Because everyone should really be holding out for the new Transforminators movie. Check it. If you don’t smile at least once during this trailer, you just might be a transforminator yourself!

Hooping and Hollering

So as some of you have heard, and even less of you have seen, I decided to learn how to hoop dance this last Feb. and March as part of a group that was to exhibit the hoop dance prior to the actual competition. It was all fun and games and stuff and I even got to see cousin Al in the drum circle in front of where I was dancing. We each made 8 hoops and paid for our costumes and such and learned a routine from the head lady of powwow who is also in Living Legends.
Anyways, the full post and the video can be read and seen on my blog. Enjoy!

Are you ready?

One of Hollywood’s favoritist things to do is what I consider detrimental to the development of the human imagination. That is, they love to take beloved books of yesteryear and turn them into the box office hits of today. I have just found out, by way of cousin Kyle, that the latest book to undergo such a transformation is Maurice Sendek’s immortal Where the Wild Things Are. Here is the link to the new trailer and I’ll admit that I’m interested in seeing what major changes they make from the book and what story line they create/develop. I wasn’t too pleased with the choice of music for the trailer, but other than that I thought it was put together very well. The release date for the movie is October 16 so I say we all celebrate Ashlee’s birthday and go see it!


As I’m sure some of you have heard, or read, Matt gave a site to Mom called or something like that and asked her to check out Camp Verde. I was curious to see what people had to say as well, and I’d have to say that this comment was my favorite one out of them all:

Run away fast, very, very fast. Administration is incompetent, guidance non-existent and instuction vague and imcomplete. Teachers don’t respond to telephone/e-mail requests. My child entered as an A student and left failing/behind grade level. There is no support system for kids with ADD or 504 plans. Just look at the web site! There are errors in spelling & grammar everywhere, assuming you can find links that work. Administration lied to me about state mandated accomodations concerning my child. Drug use is rampant in the school and with the kids in the area. Sports program is more important than anything else. No SAT prep offered (guidance didn’t even know when/where the test was being administered. CVHS is a den of iniquity staffed by incompetents hoping for parents too busy to notice that it borders on the criminal. Run away! Run away very, very fast.

Needless to say, this person gave the school one star out of a possible five. I’m still laughing about the “den of iniquity” line….


Blog is such a weird word. Just look at it. Now say it. BLOG. Man thats weird. Well, despite how weird it may be, I started one. I’m not as good as Becky, and not nearly as good as Laurie. Here is the link to it. In the future, you can just get to in by clicking on my name on the side. Speaking of which, hey Jere, do you think you can change the link on the side so that it goes to my page? Thanks. Enjoy!