Author: Josh
This is the season…
Here’s the highlights from our Nativity this year.
The Players:
Matt as Joseph
Andrea as the Donkey and Ti as Mary
Milayna as the Baby Jesus
Grandma as the Angel and Cass as the Shepherd
and the Kangaroo as the Sheep
Lindsey, Grandpa and Jacob as the Wise Men
Elsie as the Narrator
Joseph and the Baby Jesus
And then Elsie decided she wanted to be Mary, so Ti got the boot.
And this is the Wise Man crown that Jacob picked.
The Manger of Bethlehem
If you haven’t heard or seen it, there’s an awesome new Christmas carol out that you can download for free, and I’m in the choir on the recording (see if you can find me in the video!). Enjoy, and Merry Christmas!
Now I Need Counseling
So, if you haven’t already heard by talking to Mom or whatever, our bishopric got changed, and I was called to be Bishop Hall’s 2nd Counselor. No, it’s not April fools or anything.
Needless to say, it’s a pretty daunting task, but I’m excited for the opportunity to serve and improve, as President Monson talked about in last week’s Priesthood session. And we could definitely use the blessings that will come as we dedicate ourselves to this new calling.
So, I’d appreciate any prayers you could send our way, on my behalf, Andrea’s, and the members of our ward.
I love you all, and thank you for your good examples and your positive influence in helping me become someone the Lord can trust with this calling.
Milayna’s blessing
We know we have told at least some of you, but we know that probably not all of you have heard. . .
We will be blessing Milayna this Sunday, August 5th here in Camp Verde. You are all invited to come, and if anyone can come, we’d be thrilled to have you along. But we also do understand how difficult it can be to get to everything and we know that most of you won’t be able to be here–and that is okay, too.
My parents will be in town to visit with us for about 10 days and that is why we are doing the blessing so soon. It was the only time they could come, and since I don’t get to see them very often, we wanted to cater to their schedule. My dad has been able to come for all our kids’ blessings before, but my mom has never been able to be at any of her grandkids’ blessings ever, so this is a pretty big deal for my parents to both be able to be in attendance.
If you can come and are planning to attend, let us know–we’d love to include you.
We hope all of you are doing well and that your ceilings have not collapsed recently!
Love and blessings to you and your families,
Our new little princess
Just so you guys know, we have added a few baby-related posts to our blog recently and will be adding more content (like more pictures) soon. So check it out and then check back in a few days. : )
Dad’s iPod
Thanks everyone for chipping in. Here’s the grand unveiling!
I’d put up the videos of him figuring out how to use it, but there’s not enough space on YouTube.
3 Little Bears
So, way back when Melissa got married, I recorded the tape with her rendition of “The 3 Little Bears” onto the computer, and I had it on my flash drive so I could give it to people, and then time happened and I never did. But now, by somewhat-popular demand, here it is!
The first track is Jere, Liss and Justin singing primary songs, including Justin saying all the family’s names:
Primary Songs
And the second is the 3 Little Bears:
3 Little Bears
I had to compress them both in order to fit them on the site, but if anyone wants me to e-mail them the whole 10.3MB file I can. Also, I just recorded it off of a tape Mom has, but it wasn’t the original tape. So if anyone has a better-quality version, let us all know.
Dad got the Silver Beaver award from BSA for his 30+ years of service, and now, at last, his rainbow suspenders have taken their rightful place in history!