Family Crest

Here’s the sticker that started it all. Becky saw it on the back of the entrance door at Red Iguana.

And here’s our conversation on twitter:

Relative Finder

So, inspired by Steve’s post, I made an Extended Freeman Family group, so if you and your spouse both join, you can see how closely you’re related (if you dare)! Ex. Andrea and I are 9th cousins, 4 times removed.

So you (and your spouse) should hover over “Groups,” and select “Find” and search for “Extended Freeman Family.” Then click “Add,” and it will ask you for a password, which is “Freeman” (case-sensitive). Then go to “Relatives” and select the applicable box and “Show Relatives” to see how closely-related you are.

Independence History

Here in time for Independence Day is a list of 25 signers of the Declaration of Independence that according to this BYU/Family Search thing we are related to.  If for some reason it doesn’t work, try signing in with your Familysearch info and register with the site to see the list.  You can check out how you are related and what the exact relationship is (ex: 12th Cousin 8 times removed is……Samuel Adams)


Reunion Events

K, it’s time to hash out what exactly everyone wants to do during this reunion. Comment on what days and when during the day. So far this is what we have:

Tuesday- Travel Day

Wednesday- Various Nauvoo Events/R&R

Thursday- Temple in the morning
Dad’s Birthday/Christmas at night (4pm)

Friday- Carthage