Family History Questions – Part 1

*** Initial Disclaimer*** I’m getting a lot of this info from Church websites (e.g., FamilySearch Family Tree, etc.) which doesn’t necessarily make it accurate. If anyone has access to records that dispute this info PLEASE let me know!

OK, so with all this reunion talk, it got me thinking about our family history, and when each particular root first joined the church.

Of course, Mom’s side is pretty easy, with her parents both being the first in their respective lines to be baptized.  I had always assumed Mom was BIC, but I just noticed that Grandpa wasn’t baptized until December AFTER Mom was born, with Grandma Judy being baptized a year later.  Interestingly, Grandma Helen’s book say she was baptized by Wayne on May 3, 1953, with Edward and Marlene.  However, the Church sites have her baptismal date listed as 18 DEC 1999 in the Dallas temple.  Anyone have any idea what happened with that?

Mom, can you find out what the circumstances were behind your parents taking the discussions and getting baptized?  If you already know, can you share that with us?

We’ll start with Dad’s side in the next one…

Family Reunion

In order to get everyone onto the same page, here is where we are with the reunion. The tentative date is for sometime in 2014. We’ve got some leading ideas for locations (these aren’t set in stone). They are Tahoe, D.C., or Nauvoo, or some other church history site. (Feel free to add to the list) Timing is also not set in stone at this point, but the idea was thrown out that if we do D.C. we try around America Sings the first weekend in April (this is of course General Conference weekend). Tahoe would be sometime in summer. I think summer in general is the idea so kids don’t miss too much school (though my kids wouldn’t be missing much). At this point most of us are planning on coming, but as of now we may not get everyone there. As the instigator of all this, I believe the most important detail of the reunion would be to have the whole family there. I know this may never be possible, but at least for the first one it would be nice. The more I thought of it, and as we were doing our planning, I asked myself, “Why does it HAVE to be next year?” And so I ask all of you, would it be wiser to push it back? The idea behind this would be if we choose a location, everyone can agree on, this will give us all more time to prepare. It will also give us a better idea how much we each need to save up and I think the more time the better. I do think we should have it sometime in the next 4-5 years, before Nick decides to leave on a mission. So in honor of Sir Nick, I propose, this being the 10th day of March, that before Nick turns 14 we first decide on a location and second on a date. Any comments?

This is the season…

Here’s the highlights from our Nativity this year.

The Players:
Matt as Joseph
Andrea as the Donkey and Ti as Mary
Milayna as the Baby Jesus
Grandma as the Angel and Cass as the Shepherd
and the Kangaroo as the Sheep
Lindsey, Grandpa and Jacob as the Wise Men

Elsie as the Narrator
Joseph and the Baby Jesus
And then Elsie decided she wanted to be Mary, so Ti got the boot.
And this is the Wise Man crown that Jacob picked.

It’s (still) a girl!

Well, as you all heard, Evangeline Paiyumsi Freeman was born yesterday, November 5, at 2:50 pm at Timpanogos Regional Hospital in Orem. She was 7 lbs 2 oz, and was 18.5 inches long.
We first went to the hospital on Sunday morning. Amy woke me up around 3:30 am and let me know her contractions were 3-5 min apart, which was a sign that our doctor said could be an indicator of needing to go to the hospital. After arriving at the hospital we were told after about an hour that her contractions weren’t nearly strong enough and we could go home. So we did.
Yesterday morning Amy woke me up at 4 am and let me know that her water broke. We initially planned on having her labor at home in the warm tub for a bit before going to the hospital but that didn’t last too long due to her water being slightly discolored. We got to the hospital around 6:30 and got all checked in. By 12:30 she was at a seven and opted to take something to help take the edge off of her pain (even though it didn’t really have any effect) but still let her feel what was going on. By 2 she was good to push and 50 minutes later Evangeline was here (despite us not knowing her name yet).
All in all everyone has been good. I know some of you have seen pics on facebook, but I figured everyone would want to see!

For The Record

Just to clear up a little shenanigans that seem to be going on on a certain, not to be named social network… The Lawrence Welk Show is not my favorite show, nor is it currently, nor has ever been, on my small list of shows I actually like.

I will say though that I love telling the kids that it’s Becky’s favorite show (no worries, she does the same to me, not just to our children, but apparently on that social network as well). I do leave it on on purpose from time to time just to see how quickly it takes for her to come into the living room.

Now that we’ve got that straightened out, let’s get back to sports [Josh]!