First Grade

Today our little baby started the 1st grade. I guess it’s kind of hard to call him our “little” baby as he certainly acts and often says things that make him seem older than six. It seemed summer just flew by and that it was only last week we were picking him up and walking home from Kindergarten. There are a couple of friends who were assigned to the other class, but luckily there are plenty of familiar faces from his class last year to make him feel comfortable. He even gets to sit next to one of them this year. We’re sure he was thinking that Mom and Dad may have been playing things up too much. As we left he was enjoying chatting with his friend. When I got home and asked him how his first day of school went, he said, “Perfect!” I’ll have to remember that and remind him when he gets to jr. high or high school how much he looked forward to the first day of school.

The convoy heads up the road towards the school. Ashlee showing her support and excitement for Nick by wearing her own backpack. She’ll be starting her 4’s class at preschool next week.

The Man enjoying being back at school.

Mom and the Little Guy scoping out some new books at his desk.

Face lift

Take a good look. Because in several more days this house won’t look the same.

pre siding

A trailer with our new siding arrived yesterday. We’re excited to have our new exterior look, especially since we actually get to enjoy it for a little bit and we’re not doing it just to sell the house. A friend of our’s father is doing the work for us. He delivered all the goods and took down the gutters yesterday. Today he’s putting the new back door in. We’re thinking it will take a little more than a week to finish the whole thing.

So in the mean time, you all can take a look at the picture above, imagine what colors you would use, and leave a comment with your guess. Then when it’s all finished, I’ll post another picture of the exterior.

It’s going to look great when it’s all finished. Now maybe we won’t get anymore flyers in our screen door offering an estimate to paint or side the house for us.