More Site Updates

I spent the afternoon doing to more cleaning up and organizing/reorganizing of the site. What I worked on today was categories and tags. In the past they’ve been basically the same thing, and for the past year or so, I’ve just been tagging and categorizing all my posts with the same thing. It has always seemed redundant to me, but I never got around to fixing it, until today.

So here’s the changes. Categories are the main topics that we cover here. I whittled it down to 4, Family, Browsing, Ramblings, and Uncategorized. Family basically is any family news, experiences, family history, travels, and such. Browsing are interesting things we share with each other that we’ve come across on the web. Ramblings are for almost everything else, opinions we write, reviews we write, sports talk, movies we’ve seen, that kind of thing.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to categorize your posts, and if you don’t, WordPress will automatically put it into the Uncategorized category. I’ll occasionally go through these and put them where they I think they should go.

Categories that used to be there that seem gone were just changed to tags. No posts were lost. Tags are the other items I wanted to talk about. Most of you probably already know how tags work, and they work here the same way. Basically, use tags to kind of describe what the post includes or is about. It is more specific than the category. The pictures category I changed to Photos tag. The music and videos categories were changed to Music and Videos tags.

You don’t have to use categories or tags if you don’t want to. The advantage is you can search and sort by either of them. Want to see just all our Family posts? Just look at the Family category. Want to see all the posts that contain photos? Look at the Photos tag. If you want to see just Family posts that include Photos you can do that too.

Again, hit me up with any questions or thoughts.