Free Slurpees for Justin’s Birthday!

In honor of Justin’s birthday, I’m treating everyone to free Squishees, er, I mean Slurpees!!

Actually, this year, 7-Eleven is celebrating its 80th anniversary by following the tradition of offering consumers free 7.11-ounce Slurpee drinks for free. Birthday cups will be available as well. The past few years, 7-Eleven has been giving away free Slurpees on 7/11 but this year they’re doing more.

A news release sent out this week promotes the chain’s birthday, noting that a loaf of bread cost 9 cents, a gallon of milk was 56 cents, a dozen eggs cost 46 cents, and ice was sold in blocks rather than bags when 7-Eleven opened its doors in 1927–little more than an ice dock.

$20 to the person who can visit at least 7 or more 7-Elevens AND finish all the Slurpees!

Happy Birthday Justin!!