“…an amazing save…”

The first game of Nick’s second season of soccer was last Saturday. His team this year is the Storm. We tried to get him on the same team he played on last year but AA Rec made a mistake and by the time we figured it out, we had already gone to the first practice and Nick didn’t want to change teams. There is a bit of a difference from last year as there isn’t so much running around free for all. The kids are decent at playing their positions.

The face of determination

Nick throwing the ball to a teammate after one of his spectacular saves

The excitement came in the fourth quarter with the score tied 1-1. Nick got to play goalie and he made several diving saves to keep his team from being defeated. Becky couldn’t believe that is was our little boy diving into the face of danger to make some of those saves. No save was more spectacular though than his final one. With less than two minutes to play, one of the opposing forwards broke free with the ball. From the left side he fired a shot on goal. Nick dove to his right for the save, grabbed the ball in his hands, and rolled a couple times on the ground cradling the ball securely. Sorry, no picture on that one; it’s hard to get a good picture while you’re cheering. Anyway, he got a ton of applause and compliments from the parents and his teammates. But the best compliment he received was when his coach came up to him just as we were headed for the car and told him that the coach for the other team wanted him to say, “Tell your goalie that that was an amazing save at the end of the game.” Becky and I felt really proud of Nick on the way home.

4 thoughts on ““…an amazing save…””

  1. Congrats to Nick on a job well done! Judging from all those random times he likes to fall down, its no real surprise to me that he makes those key diving saves. I like the faces of the opposing kids in that second picture. You can just see the disappointment. Its nice to see Nick excelling at a sport. Is his coach gonna leave him at keeper? Keep up the good work Nick and good luck with the rest on the season!

  2. That’s pretty suh-weet. Soccer is pretty cool. I wish I got to play multiple positions. Oh wait, I did, I got to play shooting guard and point guard. Anyways enough about me. Keep up the great work and keep on having fun Nick!

  3. And ANOTHER THING. Jeez, is Nick really that tall? He looks taller than everyone else out there. Beanpole. Hah, yeah right. Keep on kicking it. Kick it.

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