Sk8er Boi

Finished up the physics experiment just in time for a massive thunderstorm. #nofilter #annarbor #runforthecar

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Side By Side With Forsythe Middle School

The Skyline musicians had the opportunity to travel down the road to Forsythe Middle School to perform a side by side concert with them. This is probably the last concert Nick will play in for his high school career. It may also be the last time for a while that Nick and Ashlee play together. :(

Skyline Spring Orchestra 2017

This is Nick’s last time playing in the Skyline Auditorium.

Also, Ashlee auditioned to move from the concert orchestra into the symphony orchestra starting next year and we recently found out that she made it! She was practicing hard for many weeks to do well at her audition and her hard work paid off. We’re excited for her!

Nick Turns 18

He went to bed as a kid last night and woke up as a man. ? Happy 18th to my baby! #stiffupperlip #sayitisntso #timeflies

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This little guy turned 18 today. Time goes way too fast. And look, even back then he wore a hoodie. He still wears one around the house with the hood pulled up to this day. Happy Birthday Nick!

Skyline High School Senior Prom 2017

Yep, it really happened, we got Nick to prom. Of course Charlotte had to actually ask him but he said yes. It was a busy day and busy couple weeks get ready for it. Plus the girls came over to our house Saturday afternoon to do their hair and make-up. And then we were surprised at around 11:45pm when the group showed up at our door for an impromptu after party. Anyway, long day, but it was pretty exciting. Becky and I posted some of our favorite pictures. Plus we were surprised to find a picture of Charlotte and Nick in the local news story online (last picture).

Nick and his gorgeous date, Charlotte. #seniorprom #skylinehighschool #lovethesetwo

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Some of the best kids I know. #prom2017 #lifegoestoofast

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mlive story (around picture 37):

Skyline HS Concert Orchestra States 2017

All 1’s for Nick and Ashlee’s first State Orchestra competition!

Click the tweet above and then click the pictures to see the full versions.